第一期:前往欧洲 (28,000公里左右)
15年 6 月6日,我们会从上海出发。然后花大约一个月时间骑往新疆,过边境进入哈萨克斯坦。
第二期:南非 (30,000公里左右)
虽然杰明非常希望Nate 能够跟他一起去南非,但是由于两人现在处于人生的不同阶段,Nate 需要在完成了欧洲的旅程后回到美国继续追求他的梦想。
他在卢安达、乌干达、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚有朋友和朋友的朋友。在贸易公司工作时也认识了刚果(金) 赞比亚、安哥拉的人,会去跟这些国家的朋友见面、亲身体验当地的人文风情政治经济文化等等。
PART I Details: ( To be continued)
Around Almaty, scenes of green and gold 03. Aug. 2015
Almaty is no longer the capital of Kazakhstan, that title now goes to Astana, but it's still the biggest city and the cosmopolitan cultural pulse of the country. Full of trees and lush with vegetation, it was named after the apples that used to grow in abundance here. Apples no longer fill the city either –although it is said to be their ancestral home—but small hints, like a neighborhood called the Kompot (a kind of juice) where all the streets are named after different fruits, hark back to this heritage.
Kazakhstan: Nothing better than to know that you don't know. July 24. 2015
China's final days: Urumqi & Western XinJiang 21 July, 2015
Urumqi is a strange place: strange because it is concurrently both very different and very not different from the rest of China. Signs are in Uyghur, food choices are more diverse, military and police presence is ridiculously high, and there are more mosques than your average eastern town. But had we not psychically driven ourselves from another part of Xinjiang into the city, it would be hard to tell that this is China's final outpost in the west.
Xinjiang: Scorched Sand, Sun and Oasis 20 July 2015
Qilian , Ridges rock and Rivers 18 July 2015
Tibet V :Impression of the Plateau 17 July 2015
YILHU Lah Tso 16 July 2015
Sertar and Larung Gar 15 July 2015
Tagong Horse Festival 14 July 2015
Tagong 13 July 2015
Tibetan dreams on the 318. 07, July 2015
Chongqing country : man, the river and the gorge: 23 June 2015
Hunan 19 June 2015